Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 28: Random

Today's post will summarize my day through a series of random thoughts that I had throughout the day.

1- At the moment I want to potty train Jack more than I want a bigger income. Jack claimed the record of the sickest diaper I've ever changed today. I want that boy potty trained, but even with all the successful trip we've had to the potty, we're not making any progress. Conclusion, he's not ready. We'll try it again in 4-6 weeks.

2- A clean house is the best stress reliever I have ever come across in my entire life. When my house is clean, Alivia can cry as much as she wants, Jack can go all day without a nap, and Lucy and talk without pausing for hours, as long as my house stays clean. Looming housework is such a weight on my shoulders throughout my day, a clean house eliminates that, and I looooove it!

3- One of the best things is being in a cleaning mood, and actually being able to do it. Do you know how much work I got done today? Alivia decided to take two great naps, and as a result my kitchen got cleaned to the bones, the floors throughout my house were swept, steamed, and vacuumed. Beds were made, bathroom sinks were cleaned, laundry was done. It was such a good day! If you are in the mood to clean, and nothing forces you to stop, it's amazing what you can get done, and it feels great!

4- I'm the worst person in the world at starting and finishing a project. Shawn, you are not allowed to comment here. As I was cleaning my house, I came across 4 unfinished projects, and I had to start another one today. Oh, and the recyclI actually thought of 5 other projects I want to start today, but I've put in place a new rule. I can't start one more project until all my half finished projects are all done. I've got to get control of myself here.

5- I've mentioned it before, but couponing is taking over my life! My obsession with getting my hands on as many coupons as I can has caused me to research the recycling schedule of my local paper, buy a book of stamps for my sister in law so she can mail me coupons, subscribe to the Denver Post, and steal my mother in laws coupons (sorry Pam, I just assumed you weren't going to use them, and they actually helped me learn something very important). Coupons have also caused me to become extremely organized. They are responsible for 3 of my 5 projects I came up with today. That is a good side effect, like I said, my house is so clean now, and hopefully my couponing obsession will help me stay on top of it better. Couponing is even having a say in who I'm associating with. I was talking with two ladies at church yesterday, and I'm thinking we will definitely be joining forces and sharing our knowledge with each other to master this game! I'm telling you, I just might be losing it.

6- Leaving a screaming baby with a tired husband suffering from a headache does not make for a relaxing get away. Well, okay, it was still a WONDERFUL break to get out tonight, but Alivia did her dandest to prevent that. She was so upset, and Shawn was so tired and stressed that I told him I wasn't going out tonight. Then like a good husband, he kicked me out anyway and let me recharge. I was just happy to hear that the kids went down easily for him and Alivia went down early, so they were all still alive when I got home. I have myself a good man.

7- Alivia slept through the night for the second time last night. She woke up both times at 6:30 and then went back down, but I consider waking up for a feeding at 6:30 sleeping through the night. It throws me off so much to wake up in the morning and have her bassinet still pushed away from the bed and not pulled up right next to me. Don't worry, I don't think she is anywhere near phasing out the night feedings (as wonderful as that would be), but it's still a pleasant surprise.

8- No pacifier means no naps apparently. I put Jack down at 10:45 this morning, and he just talked about basketball, BYU, Jimmer, and Buzz Lightyear for over an hour and half. And unfortunately Alivia's beautiful night didn't equal a beautiful night's sleep for me. Jack woke up 4 times last night. He never asked for his eye-yi, but I have to confess, at 2:30 I was so sick of him waking up that I gave him one, and then he didn't wake up again. I blame Shawn. I told him Jack was crying and to go comfort him. Shawn replied with a little sleepy grunt and made no signs of movement. So I went in and grabbed a pacifier on my way. I was so done with him waking up. But hopefully he will do better tonight. I know he can because he did it twice up in Denver, and he's gone to sleep without if for several nights now.

9-Advances in dental technology since I was little amaze me. I went in and had some minor work done today and as I was leaving the office I grabbed a cookie and ate it. I remember getting my teeth worked on when I was little and not being allowed to eat anything solid for 12 hours. And that wasn't because I got anything pulled, that was just simple fillings. Well, I got a simple filling a few days ago and it was the same time, I was good to eat anything I wanted the second I was done. Oh, and is anything better than white fillings? I don't think so, goodbye metal mouth! That is something beautiful.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 27: Bye Bye "Eye-yi"

I think we have officially taken Jack's "eye-yi" aka pacifier away. I say "I think" because I'm not so confident that I have it in me. It's all I can do not to fold like an origami orchid when Jack asks me for his "eye-yi" as I put him to bed. But after leaving it home on accident when we went up to Grandma's for the weekend, he was forced to sleep without if for two nights, and one nap. Honestly, Jack is handling it quite well. I wish I could say the same for me. I'm amazed by all the emotions this simple action has caused in my life. I'm not 100% confident I can be strong enough to hold out on my little guy. But tonight he fell asleep without it, and he honestly didn't really cry at all. So what is my problem? Let me elaborate.

The first day that Jack took a pacifier was our last day in the hospital with him. As we were waiting to be discharged the photographer came in to do the hospital pictures. After trying her very best for about 5 minutes to get him to soften his little scowl (something we learned wasn't possible, he was just born a little bruiser), she asked if we had a pacifier. She said that sometimes she could get newborns to smile if she could get them to take the pacifier and then take it away. It hadn't even occurred to Shawn or me to even try a pacifier. Lucy never took one so we were programed to proceed without one. But when we gave Jack that pacifier for the first time, there was no question that it was the beginning of something beautiful.

Jack loved that thing so much. I can attribute his title as my easiest baby to that pacifier. We quickly bought as many as possible, we bought them by the 7 pack. It was terrible when we'd lose one, but we always had more in reserve. Shia the dog did her best to free the house of them because every time Jack left one around she found them to be like bubble gum, very fun to chew on. At16 months Jack first attempted to say "pacifier", which came out as "eye-yi". That is the name that has stuck. Even today when I ask him to get me Alivia's pacifier I say "Jack, can you get mommy Alivia's eye-yi?" Not that I ever have to ask him because every time he hears his sister crying he starts scouring the house in search of her "pinK eye-yi" because he knows that will make her feel all better.

When Jack hit the 18 month mark, I knew it was time to seriously start thinking about taking it away, but I just didn't have it in me to do it cold turkey. So I made a rule that he could only have his pacifier in his bed at nap time and for bed. That worked great until he was about 22 months old when I took his bumpers out of his crib to put them in the bassinet. Then Jack would just reach into his crib during then day when I wasn't around and I'd find him in his room, laying on the floor wrapped in his blankies and going to town on that pacifier, usually with his feet propped up against his crib. Even though he was breaking the rule, it melted my heart. He was happy as could be and, here's the best part, he was quiet, but he wasn't getting into anything or breaking anything or spreading anything all over anything else. He was just laying there, sucking on his pacifier. Yes, he was breaking a rule, hence the quiet and staying in one place, he knew he couldn't be seen. I think that is what I am going to miss the most, walking into his room and seeing him taking a break from his busy day just being so sweet and cute.

But if I can't take it away now, when am I going to? It's only going to get harder. Last week I heard a loud crashing sound coming from his room and it scared me to death. Once we  learned we couldn't keep the pacifier in Jack's bed, we moved them to the dresser, somewhere out of his reach, but convenient enough that we didn't have to leave the room when we put him to bed. And this is how Jack learned to climb (and as a result got the blue sharpie). The loud crashing sound was Jack falling off his rocking horse which he had pushed up against his dresser and then climbed up on to reach his pacifier. Poor kid didn't know that we don't use things that rock as step stools, and now he knows. I'm just so grateful that he didn't pull the dresser down on him.

Even though I know that I have to do this, all these sweet memories of Jack and hie "eye-yi" pull at my heart in such a way that I sat on the couch tonight long after Jack fell asleep feeling terrible and talking myself into a depression. I remember dreading taking the bottle away from Lucy, and that was so easy. All I had to do was give her sippy cups instead, she still got her beloved milk. But this, this is like taking water away from your goldfish. How can life possibly go on? What makes it worse is that Alivia get's a pacifier, and Jack sees that every day. I wonder how many times I will catch him seeking hers, it's happened a couple of times, but not since we took his away. I feel so terrible, it's almost like that pacifier had as big of a place in my heart as Jack himself. Don't worry, it doesn't, but it does represent my baby growing up into a big boy, and that's always a hard pill to swallow. Trust me, I see how hard it is for a mother to let her little boy grow up in the fire in my mother-in-law's eyes when ever I tell her I won't iron Shawn's clothes. It's nothing against Shawn, it's the iron. That, and the image burned into my memory of my mother-in-law's "I'm watching you" threats on my wedding day. Mom's just have a hard time, and I'm kind of starting to think especially with their little boys.

In the end, I really only have to hold strong for two or three weeks for about 20 minutes a day. Jack will survive. Pretty sure I won't survive, but I'm doing my best. I just might take up thumb sucking, which nasty habit motivated me to make sure Jack took a pacifier because I could take it away, and it doesn't get soggy and wrinkly and covered with sores. Now, between the two, I think it would probably be easier on me to cut off a thumb than to withhold a pacifier.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 26: Crying Kids

We spent the day up in Denver visiting grandma and grandad. Yeah, we just spent the night last night. I was shocked to find when we got back last night that my kids were all sleeping, except for the baby, but she went down shortly after we got home. I was shocked about this because I forgot to bring Jack's blankets and pacifier, a terrible mistake. That seemed to be my trend yesterday. It took us three whole tries to leave the house to get up here because I first forgot Alivia's milk, and I was pretty sure my mother-in-law would disown me if I forgot that. Then when we got out of the neighborhood the second time, I realized I forgot a bottle. At this point Shawn said "Wow, it's like a bad dream." So you can imagine how pathetic I realized I am when I came home and realized I left Jack's blankets and pacifier, and this morning I realized I totally forgot to bring myself a change of clothes for today. Thank goodness Shawn's little sister Steff still has this place semi-stocked.

As forgetful as I have been lately, I feel like I can totally claim myself incompetent on this one. Do you know how hard it is to try to think clearly enough to pack for yourself, your husband and 3 kids when you have constant crying at the same time? Alivia has had a couple bad days. I think it's mostly just for me, I don't think she likes me very much. But hey, hopefully she will get it all out now while she is young and her teenage years will be a breeze. I have a right to dream. Shawn and I have for sure decided that she is hands down our highest maintenance baby yet. There is just nothing we can think of to calm her down for several hours of the day. So her crying is my claim to incompetence, or insanity, which ever makes more sense. I can't really think it through right now as both Jack and Alivia are crying themselves to sleep, which is very stressful on a mom, that's why I'm on here, to distract myself from the impulse to run to them. Jack is crying because he doesn't have his blanky or pacifier, and Alivia because she just wouldn't know what to do with herself if she weren't expressing her opinion of discontent.

One quick Lucy update, she is so dang smart and such an awesome helper, I don't give her much credit on here, so it needs to be stated. Yesterday when Jack fell off my lap and needed some major comfort, Lucy came up to me and picked Alivia up off my lap (under the arm pits and everything), sat down on the floor with her and rocked her back and forth while shushing her and trying to get her to take her pacifier. It was at that moment that I decided that Lucy makes my life so much easier for me, and she loves that she can do that. I love that little thing. Today she also sat down to color and sounded out "super hero" on her own to write it down. She spelled it "SOOPR HROOO". Not bad for not having a day in her life of formal lessons. She is one smart little cookie.

Now I need to get Alivia, but Jack is asleep. I'll take 50% any day. Why is a 50% failing in school? That so isn't good preparation for life as a parent. Okay, I guess you never want to give 50% as a parent, but hey, giving 100% and getting 50% of your goal accomplished is pretty good anyway. That means some of all your hard work is paying off, and that is better than nothing.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 25: And Now I Know

Today I've been taught a lesson or two, and unfortunately most of them I didn't need to be taught. I should have known them anyway simply by being a mom. Oh well. You live you learn.

Lesson 1- Shut the bathroom door. Duh! Who doesn't know this one? Since we have been potty training Jack he has had a major obsession with the bathroom and all things in it. Side note: definitely taking a small break from potty training. While we have had several successful trips, Jack still hasn't realized that he doesn't have to sit on the potty for 2 hours at a time before releasing his load. 2 hours is a long time for me, for Jack, and definitely for Alivia. Once he shows a sign that he understands that he has some control, we'll hit it hard again. Anyway, shut the bathroom door. Today, just after my shower, while I was nursing a very unhappy little girl, I heard Lucy yell "JACK!!! NO!!!! BAD BOY!" Never like to hear that when your tied up. Later I found that Jack had gotten to the roll of toilet paper. No, he didn't throw the whole thing in the potty, he knows better. Instead he dipped it in the sink which Lucy had filled with soapy water, and then he sat of the floor and proceeded to pick it apart piece by piece. It' looked like it had hailed in the bathroom. This disaster could have been avoided if I had just remembered to keep that door closed.

Lesson 2- Crying babies don't always cry themselves to sleep. Alivia had a very rough day today. I felt really bad for her because I don't think she was feeling too hot. Last night at about 5:00 she started crying, and it didn't stop for 24 hours. I mean she did sleep through the night like she does (which means she woke up to eat once, maybe twice, I'm not with it enough to count), but all evening she cried, and picked it right back up this morning. By 10:30 I realized there was nothing I could do to calm her down. She wasn't hungry, she'd already burped, her diaper was clean and dry, she was swaddled, then unswaddled, then bounced, swung, rocked, cuddled, heck, I even sang to her for more than an hour! There was no calming her down. So, I laid her down. I assumed she would tucker herself out, but she just started screaming harder and harder. And that is pretty much a summary of my day. I did get her to fall asleep twice during the day, only to have her wake up within 45 seconds from the moment I laid her down. It was a hard one. But we left her with grandma tonight so we could go to the temple and rumor has it she was great. Hopefully she is feeling better and we can all just enjoy her for who she is tomorrow.

Lesson 3- Now I understand why I had 5 AWESOME years between the ages of 16 and 21. God decided to bless me with unpredictably awesome trips, fun and excitement for those five years because He knew I would never have fun ever again. Ok, at least not for the next 10-15 years. I mean at 16 I found myself in Hawaii, somewhere I never dreamed of going. Then I found myself there again when I was 18. I got accepted to BYU, a dream come true! Found, dated and married Shawn, kind of my own fairytale. Oh, and throw in an incredible cruise with my soon-to-be in-laws, totally didn't see that one coming. Then Lucy came, and that was such a fun time for me. Then we took her to Disneyland with Grandma and Grandad. So fun, so spontaneous, and spontaneousness is so not possibly with multiple children. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE life with 3 kids, it's so rewarding, just in it's own special way. Hey, I've never slept better than I do these days, when Alivia lets me. It's just now I look at things like vacations, and as badly as I want to go on them, I don't see the fun, I see the stress of planning them, trying to figure out what to do with kids. Then the 7 1/2 mountains of laundry that come after a vacation with kids. Oh, and there is that small detail about dipping into their non-existent college fund to go on a vacation. Meh, we'll play beach at the park with a hose.

Lesson 4- Bunk beds. Okay, not really a lesson, but just a big event I wanted to write down. You know your family is getting big when you purchase your first bunk beds. We did that today. Lucy is pretty much hanging off her little toddler bed, and I'm a little concerned about he pulling Jack (who is the size of her) out of his crib every morning. Life will just be much easier when the new beds get here in a week or so. We'll set one up for now, Jack will get the other one in 2 years when Alivia get's the toddler bed. It's all planned for, don't worry. You should see our financial budget for the next 5 years.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 24: Uhhhh...

So I don't have a subject today. It was just another day of survival mode. I survived.

I'm a loser and missed my post last night, so I totally faked it just now. By faked it, I totally tried to pretend that I wrote it yesterday, because that is exactly what I was planning on writing yesterday, but I didn't. I had good reason though. I told Shawn two nights ago about about 12:45 that I wanted to start a new rule. I decided that we are going to have a rule that the computer has to be off by 11:00 every night. Shawn and I are just so bad at getting off the computer. We get going with blogging, checking emails, facebook, cougarboard, news posts about the Cougars, online shopping (even though I have no money and don't buy anything), looking for design inspiration for my house that has me lost, etc. Anyway, there is always something else to look up. I'm still waiting for the day when I finish the internet, like that guy in that commercial. So yeah, we both jump on to just check our email really quick and it turns into at least an hour and a half, and we don't know how. It kind of makes me feel like we are losing control of our lives, like the internet is taking over us. So I start simple. Computer off by 11:00 every night.

So far we're at 50%. Last night we shut it down no problem, even though it meant that I didn't get my post in on time. Tonight, we're doing a little worse, but the rule still stands, even through it is 11:06 right now. I just had to finish this post now, so that I can get off and shut it down. Even though we blew it a little tonight, and by we I mean I, it's still worth fighting for. It's good to prove to yourself that you have control, it's like fasting really, kind of the same concept, only not so spiritually rewarding.

That said, kids were pretty good today. Day was insane. Doctor appointment this morning, home for lunch, off to dance. One awesome thing happened while I was out to dance with Lucy. Dance is on the other side of town, and I got about a mile away from dance and realized I just wasn't going to make it on the gas I had. So I pulled off and put 3 gallons in because I knew the station up the street was 10 cents a gallon cheaper. Dropped Lucy off, filled up for $2.89 (with my 10 cents a gallon discount a King Soopers). Went and picked Lucy up, then went back to King Soopers to pick up my meds when I noticed that the gas prices had raised 10 cents since I filled up! When I filled up it was $2.99 a gallon. Now it was $3.09 a gallon. Loved that I filled up when I did. After dance I tried taking all 3 kids to the fabric store. BAD IDEA. So it was Chipotle for dinner, but it's okay because we had a BOGO at Chipotle today. LOVE IT! Kids went to bed and yeah, I'm tired. I'll have to wait until some time tomorrow to create my Etsy shop idea.

Day 23: Tired?

My good friend Amanda called me today. I love when she calls. I think we both use our time on the phone with each other as a small escape from the craziness that surrounds us. Amanda has two adorable little girls, Ashlynn who is 2, almost 3, and Marley who is like 9 months. I wish I were as good as all my friends at remembering exactly when each of their kids birthdays are, but I'm a loser that way. Anyway, Amanda asked me today if I'm exhausted. I thought about if for a second and answered her with honesty. I said "No, I'm too busy to be tired." It's so true! Especially today.

I woke up this morning with a plan. Today was going to be day one of a routine for Alivia. The reason I was able to start my routine today is because Alivia decided to pull herself out of bed before 10:30. You know what I am learning about her? She is so not a morning person. She woke up screaming and wouldn't stop for about 10 minutes. But because it was 7:30, I saw a flickering hope are getting a routine going. So I got moving with all the other kids, put Jack on the potty, and decided to bathe Alivia. She was so not into that idea, it was too early for a bath. Jack had a successful trip to the potty, kind of. He just had a hard time pointing in the right direction, so his pajama pants got the brunt of it.

After calming Alivia down and feeding her and the kids, I decided to try something new with Jack. Just out of curiosity, I decided to see how he reacted to life without a diaper. I knew he would have an accident, and that's what I wanted to see his reaction to. Would he freak out when he realized he was soaking himself? The answer to that question is HECK NO. The kid couldn't care less. After about 20 minutes his pants and my couch were soaked and we quickly gave up for the day. On a positive note, my couch is really clean now.

Alivia had a much more successful day than Jack. She took to a routine in a beautiful way. By 9:00am she was down for her morning nap and I was on with my to do list. Oh how I love routines! It really is amazing how all babies come pretty much pre-programed once you get through those first 6 weeks. They are still all so different, but they come pre-programed in the sense that not a one of them should be awake for more than two hours at a time. It's such a wonderful thing to know. I'm looking forward to many more days of routine to come. Unfortunately tomorrow is going to be insane, so I'm sure her routine will get messed up, but we'll do our best.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 22: Our Pet

As I was trying to decide what I wanted to carve into my legacy tonight in my post, I decided too many nights my posts are boring, because they are accurate reflections of many of my days. It's hard to have non-stop fun when you are consumed with non-stop chaos. So while contemplating the subject for tonight, I tucked Lucy in and went to turn on her ni-night songs and noticed her fish. Her fish is dead. It has been dead for about a week now ('m only saying a week to ease my guilt). That small confession might get me in some major trouble with PETA or something, but it is the sad truth.

We noticed Lucy's fish died probably a week or two ago. Since then the water level has dropped to about 2 inches. Hey, I've got my hands full with a new baby and potty training, I have ZERO time to take care of the dead fish. Don't worry, it's out of the way up high where the kids don't get it. And don't start judging me thinking that I simply forgot to care for this fish, although it may be slightly true, it's not like you think.

This fish was a replacement fish for Lucy's fish that she got for her second birthday. Fish #1 died when we went to Idaho for Christmas 2 years ago and turned out heat down to 50 degrees while we were going. We didn't think about the fish, and even if we did, we had no idea that 50 degrees would kill a fish. So we quickly replaced it before too much drama occurred. Shortly after fish #2 entered our lives I realized he wasn't going to be the easy going betta that we bargained for. This stupid fish was a pickier eater than my 3 year old was, and that is saying something! The first time I fed him he swam to the bottom and literally turned his nose up to the flakes I gave him. After about 2 weeks of this I started to worry that he was going to die if he didn't eat. So I went to the store like a good fish mother and bought a different kind of betta food. When I came home and fed him, same dang problem. I'm pretty sure we bought the only anorexic fish in the world.

So the fish wouldn't eat. What was worse is what would happen to the food he wouldn't eat, especially the beta pellets. He'd let those pellets soak for days, and do you know what betta pellets that soak for days do? They start to grow. They literally turn into floating snow flakes, white puffy clouds. It's disgusting. Do you know what reaction white puffy clouds in your fish bowl cause in you? You stop feeding you fish. I was sure he would die after a month or so, but I'd feel so bad about not feeding him that I'd think to myself "He hasn't eaten in a week, he's got to be hungry enough now to eat." So I'd try again and nothing. NOTHING. The fish wouldn't eat!

Well he had to be eating something because he lived for 2 years after all this went down. This Christmas was his 2nd birthday. When my mom came out she saw that he was in a sad state, but her attempts to feed him failed too. Seriously, he was a gross fish, his little body started contorting in weird ways and he swam really funny. And to think we picked him because he was the pretty one at the store. But seriously, I tried feeding the dumb thing, but what can you do if they don't eat? I'd feed him once a week or so, but there was always plenty of food floating in his bowl since he never ate it. Do you see the guilt trip he has caused in my life?

Anyway, he died, and we will never get a new fish. Not until our kids have 100% responsibility, that means they clean the bowl. Speaking of cleaning the bowl... Shawn, remember your comment about the pile of dirty baby clothes that were on the floor where I left them for a couple of days? How about that fish bowl and dead fish? Love you ;).

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 21: 2 Year Check Up

Do you know what I don't like about the 2 year check up? Two year olds are too smart to go down without a fight because their memories are now better than a gold fish. Jack was especially bad because he just got flu shots in December and January, and since then he has watched Alivia get shots. This boy is no dummy, shots suck.

Jack started falling apart in the waiting room when a tantrum began about a book. Once back in the room the nurse asked me to undress him, and that in combination with seeing the dreaded table sent this little guy reeling into a full out panic. The nurse's attempt to measure his head caused him to up his panicked cries for help into ear piercing screams. You would have thought someone had shot him or a dear family member by the way he started hyperventilating as I took his diaper off to weigh him.

Once the nurse finished her check up and left the room I was able to distract him and calm him down. I took this opportunity to share the wonderful bit of news with him that the nurse was able to convey to me between screams: no shots today, we're up to date on immunizations. This really soothed that little guys nerves. Then our WONDERFUL pediatrician came in, and I had Jack all prepped. I told him that a nice grandma was going to come in and listen to his heart and check his eyes, ears, mouth, and other areas. She is so amazing with little kids, she really should work with them for a living :). She had Jack as calm as a lamb sitting in a warm meadow on a spring morning. That and she let him play with all her little tools and gadgets, so this little guy was in heaven.

In the end we learned that Jack is ahead of the curve in terms of motor skills and communication. The nurse must have spread rumors about Jack's behavior because Dr. Child's came in ready and armed for a fight, but also full of advice for me about strong willed children, which was not the side of Jack's multiple personalities that she saw. I got potty training tips (which I was more than happy to get because Jack is a whole different league than Lucy was), pacifier advice (which I was relieved to hear that she was glad we didn't try to take it away before Alivia was born, for the sake of a smoother adjustment), and all sorts of encouragement. I just love my pediatritian.

While today's outing was the smoothest we have had yet (probably because it was the shortest), it was still just stressful enough that I totally forgot Jack's stats sheet. This makes me so sad because getting percentiles is my favorite thing about check ups. I'm thinking I'll call in tomorrow to see if I can get them, I have to have them for my personal records. And I didn't even look at the sheet, I just set it down when I got it and then left it, so I can't even go off memory.

Other then the checkup, another thing worth noting is that Jack played his first game of catch with Alivia today. Unfortunately she isn't too good at catching soccer balls as big as she is yet, especially when she is peacefully sleeping in her bouncer. Poor baby. I literally had turned my head for 1 second! 1 second! I was sitting right next to Alivia to protect her from the looming Jack and ball, when Lucy asked me to look at something, so I turned to her to see what she was talking about and WHAM!  Jack felt pretty bad as I made it very clear he is never to do that again. Alivia recovered quickly though, and Jack has such a sweet side to him that I felt terrible for scolding him when it was obvious he felt terrible. Now we know.

Oh, one last thing, Jack peed in the potty again tonight, it only took about 1 minute of sitting on the potty before he went, hopefully that is a good sign. I can't read into it too much though because I didn't observe it. I was spending time with some friends for a much needed night out, and Shawn was the one who made this happen. I'm still excited about it, we'll see what we can do, that's 3 successful trips in 3 days. Cross your fingers everyone!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 20: Happy Half Birthday Shawn!

Today, obviously, was Shawn's half birthday. To celebrate, we did a lot of things half way.

We woke up this morning to the sound of Lucy scolding Jack for coloring on the walls of our hall way with the infamous blue sharpie of yesterday because guess what? I only hid the sharpie half way. I thought he couldn't reach it way up on his dresser, but it turns out he can because he's a climber.

By the time I reached the scene of the crime, I was able to see that Lucy (the sweet little thing) was trying to wash off the marker, which she was only able to do half way, even with Mr. Clean. It mostly just smeared around tinting a large area of our wall blue while washing off our flat paint, the bain of my existence.

We spent half the day way Shawn on his half birthday. There were a lot of meetings to attend today. :)

The kids and I made it half way to church before it started.

Jack got up enough courage to half way kiss his little girl friend Penny on the cheek. Really he just walked up to her all excited, started leaning in, and then chickened out.

I got tithing half way paid. The check and the slip are all filled out, but by the time we got it to the clerk after church, they were done counting for the day, so we will save it for next week.

Jack played basketball in the gym after church with a sacrament cup, which one time he threw it up half way to the hoop.

Alivia even joined in on the fun by having a half way blow out. She only blew out through one of her legs when clearly there was enough crap there to accomplish an spectacular blow out from both legs and up the back.

Before putting Lucy and Jack to bed we made some cookies half way. We got the dough all made and ate some, but I wasn't going to wait the 8 minutes it takes to cook those babies before putting my kiddos to bed. They'll enjoy the finished product tomorrow, though they weren't at all disappointed with licking the beaters and eating small handfuls of cookie dough.

Once the kids were in bed I watched the last half of not one, but two movies that I watched the first half of last night.

And that pretty much sums up Shawn's half birthday. Hey, it was a successful day of halves! So successful that Shawn was only half way aware of any of this, because none of it was planned. I guess I was just in a half-a mood.

But aside from all the half way stuff, I have to say that Jack and Lucy could not have been two cuter kids today. In sacrament meeting Jack was melting hearts, and not just mine (which isn't hard for him to do), but everyone around us. He and Lucy were coloring and sharing snacks and folding their arms (or in Jack's case, covering his eyes) during the prayers. Jack only yelled "AMEN" once today, which is a big improvement from last week. He even whispered half the time, mush have been in honor our the half birthday. Jack was so happy to see his dad that he just wanted to sit on Shawn's lap with his head on his shoulder during sacrament. Poor Shawn was heart broken when Jack begged him not to go to his meeting tonight. We're all excited for a slower week coming up. Jack really missed his daddy yesterday, we all did. But I really wish I could have caught them on video today during sacrament meeting. They were priceless. Just had to document that because most Sundays I take that little guy and girl to nursery and primary respectively with a small twitch in my eye.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 19: Blue Sharpie

So, I have this marker, a blue Sharpie. I don't know why I have the marker, but it works great, so I would never throw it away. I never need a blue Sharpie, I only black ones, but I have this blue one. I can recall 2 times in the last year that I have seen this Sharpie in use. Unfortunately both those times have been in the hands of Jack, and I never actually saw him using it, just caught the after math.

The first time I saw him use this marker was about a year ago, when I noticed he had it in his little hand, and it didn't have a lid. That is when I realized he had colored all over my stairs with it. THANK GOODNESS my stairs are wood and not white carpet (like my other stair case), that could have gotten really bad. But after a little scrubbing with Mr. Clean's Magic Eraser, we were good to go.

Today one of my very best friends in the whole world, Haley, called, and I love when she calls, she is just so much fun. So we were chatting away, and I just didn't notice Jack climbing up on my desk, closing my computer, then climbing on it to dig through my pens. Guess what he found? Yep, the blue Sharpie. Unfortunately for me, I didn't notice this because I was so enjoying an adult conversation (Shawn has been super busy this week with church stuff, work and more church stuff, so I've been a little desperate). As I was talking to my friend, I had to go upstairs for some reason, and that's when I saw Jack peeking around the corner of his door, and honestly I have never seen a child with a more suspicious look on his face. Just thinking about how poorly he covered himself makes me laugh out loud. He knew he was doing something naughty, and so did I, and he knew I knew, and it was all over his little face. So funny.

When I walked up to him I saw the same old blue Sharpie, lid off. I took it away and he had a melt down, but he knew that was a no no. Then I walked into his room and found that he had colored all over his growth chart in his room. I was sad that he did that, but only for a second because I realized I can just put another fresh piece of paper over the one he colored on, remark the two measurements I took, and we're good as new. I even have that exact paper in the basement so no harm done. It was actually really cute to me that he did that because I had just measured him today, and that is where he got the idea. Cute little bug. I love when you can see how their minds are working. Shoot, even when he is naughty he is cute.

So I went on with my conversation with my friend until we couldn't hear each other anymore because we both had screaming boys in the back ground. Then I hung up and went to get Jack's shoes so we could go to Target. That's when I noticed the real damage he did in his room. He'd colored on the side of his dresser, on a drawer front of the dresser, on a handle of the drawer, on his crib in several different spots, on his sheets, and on his basketball hoop. I'm sure he scribbled all over the walls too because he kept trying to show me where he had done that, but thank goodness his walls are navy blue (as high as he can reach) and therefore blue sharpie can't be seen. I was pretty annoyed when I saw the dresser because I was certain that wouldn't come off. Then Jack showed me his crib (I totally didn't notice that one, Jack pointed it out) and his sheets! In the end it all came out, except for the sheet, that is ruined. Oh well. But I do have to say that if I weren't a married woman, and Mr. Clean were a real man, I'd be pursuing that man like a cougar and a jack rabbit! Not only does he clean, but he's totally ripped, and I'm sure he smells good, like a clean bathroom. Oh, and I love those erasers. I don't use them more than twice a year, but when I do, they are miracle workers!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 18: A Little Much

I took one look at this mountain of my life today and decided to tackle the grocery shopping instead. How pathetic is that? I had the choice between sitting on my butt and folding laundry all day, or running all around town with three kids loading and unloading a hundred times to take them kicking and screaming into several different stores while dealing with leaky diapers and blow outs and two year olds stepping on my produce (side note, avocado didn't make it), and I chose the latter of the two. Something isn't right here.

Do you know why I chose to put myself through that? Because I hate folding laundry. Check that, I don't mind folding laundry, it's the refolding it after Jack throws a pile from here to there, and then another one and another one. So I tried folding at night (which is just what I do now, or during naps), but then I'm spending my one time of my day when I don't have to deal with kids, to deal with their underwear. That, and these days, I don't have it in me to do anything career related in the evenings, I need that time for my sanity. But most of all, I hate putting it all away, it just feels way too much like cleaning up a never ending mess.

So I spent my day grocery shopping. I went to Costco, Sunflower Market (local Farmers Market), and Walmart, but not without stopping at McDonalds first, the kids needed lunch and an outing. That means I loaded and unloaded the kids 8 times, in a trip that could have been done in under 2 hours, but actually took 5. You heard about the avocado, but my bill took a small hit too as it's never smart on the budget to take kids to the grocery store since a desperate mom will buy pretty much anything to make the kid stop screaming. Today my extra purchases included chicken nuggets, pop tarts, spaghettio's and a windshield whipper (for my really big kid).

Oh, and has anyone ever noticed the "expectant mother" parking? Loved those, though there are not near enough of them. But today I it occurred to me that what there really needs to be is a designated "Multiple children under 5" parking as well. Do you know how long it takes to get all the kids out of the car, and then walk all the friken way across the parking lot while lugging an infant seat and holding the hand of a 2 year old with short chubby little legs, and making sure no one gets squished? I find the more kids I have, the more angry I get at the middle aged man who races around the corner to beat you to that nice and close parking spot so that you have to park a half mile away, as if he has a legit reason for needing the close spot. Laziness doesn't count people. I usually say out load as I pass "Yeah? You feel pretty good about stealing that spot from this mother of 3 (or this pregnant lady and her 2 kids before Alivia came)?" Just a suggestion.

On a much happier note, Alivia started smiling today. I was able to catch it on my cell phone camera, I'll see if it is possible to upload later and if it is a decent picture once on the computer or not. She's darn cute though, and I can honestly say that she is the first one of my kids who's first smile brought a tear to my eye. I'm a bit emotional these days.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 17: Meh

My day today was exhausting in a long way. First thing this morning, I decided I finally needed to man up and sit Jack on the potty for the long run. I parked him on that thing with a pile of books, snacks, his "eye-yi" and blanket, and of course plenty of stupid human tricks. We were ready for what I was expecting to be a while, possibly up to an hour. Have you ever tried to keep a two year old entertained for an hour? Oh, and they aren't allowed to move, just in case holding their attention wasn't hard enough. As it turns out, that hour I planned for was really two hours. Do you know how hard it is to hold your ground on making a two-year old sit on the potty when he's been there for more than an hour already, you have a crying newborn baby that needs to eat, and you need to get everyone ready for the day before your visiting teachers come in 20 minutes, and you still need to clean up the birthday party mess in the living room and do the dishes?

It was a daunting morning. But after all the effort it took to keep him on the potty for that long, I wasn't going to just get him down without a successful trip. So finally after 2 hours and 8 minutes, Jack's bladder gave into me, and we had a successful visit. Lucy and I proceeded to celebrate in an over the top manner, in hopes to get the point across, and then we presented Jack with his well deserved potty treats. Jack was completely clueless about what he did to deserve this, but hopefully one more trip will help him connect the dots so our trips won't average two hours.

After that success, my day pretty much went down hill. Within a half an hour, Jack had pooped in his diaper, and any other attempts I made with the potty today ended in utter failure (not unexpected or a surprise in anyway, just annoying after such an extreme effort). Once I caught Jack dipping his cars into the potty that he is fascinated with, but for all the wrong reasons. When I got him down for a nap, I sat and read the Ensign for a good half hour or so, and what do you think happened? I got extremely tired. So I told Lucy that I was going to lay down with Alivia while she watched Wall-E. When I laid down, Jack woke up. Once I pulled myself out of my bed, I brought Jack downstairs to find that Lucy helped herself to a nice healthy snack. She pulled out the strawberries and took one bite of each one. I looked and that table and said to myself "Really?"

At this point I realized I had to have King Sooper's Tomato Bisque soup, and I needed to go to the store anyway, so I loaded up the kids and we took off. The grocery store wasn't bad, but then Shawn asked me to swing by Walmart and pick something up, and that's where everything went downhill fast. Jack was done with the cart, so to end the screaming, I let him walk around. Within ten minutes he found a small broom and was running around the baby section pretending it was a gun. We found his potty seat, and then started looking into the spice that Shawn wanted me to get. Yeah, after twenty minutes of Jack wandering away, and Alivia getting fussy, I learned this spice doesn't exist. So I packed up the kids and went to check out, where because of a coupon mix up I was charged double. So it was off to customer service where I found out I was charged for 12 boxes of fabric softener when I only bought two that were suppose to be free. It took literally 20 minutes to figure that one out, and you can imagine how done my kids were at that point. Then we headed home exhausted and already past bed time.As soon as I pulled up Shawn asked me how dance was, which as it turns out I had completely forgotten about, that was annoying. So pizza it was for dinner, right after I made Shawn man Alivia's blow out. Now I'm more than ready for bed.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 16: It's All About Jack

Would you just look at this little guy? I mean how stinking cute is he? I'm not going to lie, he has me wrapped around his little finger, just in case you couldn't figure that one out on your own. My little man turned 2 today. I know I say that I love the new born phase, and the little baby phase, and I do, I love them. But honestly, I don't know if it is just his semi-defiant personality or his tender little loves, but this boy at the age of 2 is possibly in my favorite stage of growing up. Oh he so has melted my heart.

One of my favorite things about Jack right now is how he continually surprises me with little things that he is learning everyday. He has had most of his colors down for the last couple of months, but today when I asked him what color his orange sippy cup was (a color we have never worked on, and he's always called yellow), he just out and said "Orane". I wish I could say he is a baby genius, or that I'm doing a spectacular job as a mom, but really, I'm pretty sure it is Lucy that deserves the credit. She is such a little perfectionist that it drives her nuts when Jack doesn't get something right and she is constantly correcting him.

Jack was one excited little boy when we told him he was two years old today. We kept asking him how old he was, and he'd always answer "One!" first, and then follow it up with a very excited "TWO!!!" Cute little bug. He's also decided that he is now old enough to say prayers at the dinner table, something we have been trying to get him to do for the last month or so. I LOVE the way that he squints his little eyes and talks in a soft high squeaky voice when he is praying. Ok, to be honest, I just wish I could catch every second of this little guy's life these days on film. I just want to freeze him exactly how he is, the way he jumps around hardly leaving the ground, his clumsy tumbles he has ten times a day, how he can't talk about football or sports without grunting ("football, UAHHHH!"), or the way he talks with pauses between his word in the cutest places (example: "I (small pause) love you too (longer pause) mommy"). I love my little boy, and I'm so happy that he is in our family, we'd be way too boring without him here.

Jack helped me make cupcakes for his birthday today, which were delicious! We did his big Lightening McQueen cake on Saturday at grandma's house, so cupcakes were all we needed today. We still sang to him, which he loved so much that he joined in and sang to himself. He successfully blew out his two candles, with so much pride. Then he tackled his presents. This little guy is set on power tools for a while, and he LOVES them, almost as much as his dad loves him having some man toys around here so he'll lay off the barbies.

Jack also got this Lightening McQueen hat, kind of by accident. On Monday I took the kids to the mall to pick out a new hat for Shawn for Valentines day. We walked into the hat store, picked out the one we liked, and then as I was buying it, Jack spotted this bright red beauty. As a mom I personally can't stand cartoon characters on anything but underwear or pajamas. I don't know why, and no offense to anyone, but I find them to be tacky on shirts, shoes, pants, or anything else where they draw a lot of attention. Well, first Jack yanked this hat off the shelf beside himself at what he had found. Then he started throwing a public tantrum to try it on. So I let him try it on. When I realized how excited he was about a Lightening McQueen hat, I tried to talk him into the nice gray one with a much smaller, not so distractingly vibrant picture on the front. Jack however was having nothing of it. So, he looked at me and took off out of the store. Yes, my no-even-quite-two year old son shop lifted the Lightening McQueen hat. So, I turned to the checker and told him we'd take that one, he rang it up, and I chased after my son before I came back and paid.

After that, we went to the play place at the mall and I have to admit, with such a bold hat on his head, it was really easy to pick Jack out of the crowd of kids. I was probably 50% embarrassed by the hat, and 50% in love with Jack's determined dedication to it as I sat and watched him play. I almost took the hat back, but I decided that I should just let my little guy be a little boy because I couldn't break his heart by taking the amazing hat back, not after his eyes got so big when he discovered it, and definitely not after he shop lifted it. So I wrapped it up and gave it to him again today, and he was just as excited as he was the moment he decided to commit his first crime on its behalf.

So at the end of my day, I just feel so lucky to have such a strong, bold, confident and courageous little guy in my heart. Hopefully I can keep him on the right track in the years to come, even if his current record as a law abiding citizen isn't too promising. Happy Birthday Jack! I love you!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15: Yoga

The big event of my day was getting out to do some Yoga with some girls in my ward. We all met up at the church and let our kids run wild in the nursery while we took some much needed time to recharge our batteries. I love yoga. I've only done it a handful of times, but it might be one of my favorite exercises. It feels so good to start your day with stretches. I'm not so into all the psychology behind it all, and I'm not going to lie, I'm not a big fan of psychology, I find it to be mental. Sorry to all you psychologists out there, or those of you with minors in psychology (Shawn). But I love the physical side of yoga. I love working on my flexibility, balance, and challenging my body to do a little more. Seriously, I love it.

Unfortunately it's not all that easy to get a good hour of yoga in each day with kids. Lucy loves to do my "stretches" with me, which is really cute. Since Lucy likes to do my stretches with me, guess who else likes to park his little fanny right in the middle of my mat to do "retches" too? My little moose, Jack (I don't know why, but he reminds me of a moose, he just has a moose personality, and I love it!) Aside for that, I've had a strict policy since Alivia was born that if she is sleeping in, so am I. As a result, Jack has started calling for Lucy in the mornings instead of me, and after naps too. I'm pathetic, I know. But if I sleep until Alivia wakes up, that means that she is up when I am trying to do some Yoga. Turns out 5 week old babies don't want you to do anything without them, and it's not so easy to enjoy a relaxing yoga exercise if you have the soothing sound of a screaming baby. This caused a problem or two while I was trying to stretch with my friends today, and I spent a good chunk of my time shifting her around or trying to stretch with her laying on my tummy.

So I've decided that I'm getting up when Shawn gets up tomorrow (something that hasn't happened since Alivia was born) and I'll come down and do some uninterrupted stretching. I'm actually getting really excited thinking about it right now, but we'll see if I'm as enthusiastic in the morning. All said and done I hope to have a productive day tomorrow, and I've learned that the key to that is starting my morning off right. A good yoga exercise get's my blood going enough that I can stay awake for a good morning scripture study (which is something I can do while feeding a baby), and if I start my day like that, it makes A WORLD of difference for the rest of my day. Hopefully this is a habit that I can set and keep, all I need to do is convince myself that I am a morning person. No wonder I haven't succeeded in this yet in life.

Day 14: Valentines Day

This post is a day late, but it's only because of technical problems. Our scanner is freaking out on me, and it always has since we bought this new all-in-one printer. I never had a problem with the old all-in-one printer, but this one won't let me scan. As a result, I've had to wait for Shawn to come home and show me what in the heck I'm doing with it.

With three kids, it's impossible to do anything that involves going out on Valentines Day. It's not fair for us to ask family or friends to watch our kids because they are all trying to go out themselves. It's not smart or fair to try to take the kids out with us, do you know how many people we would inconvenience with 3 kids under the age of 5 in a restaurant? Not to mention it wouldn't be an escape, more of a trap. And last I checked it was illegal to just leave your kids home unattended, not to mention slightly inhuman. So this year Shawn and I planned a little date at home. I made him is favorite dinner and intended to have the house immaculate for him when he got home, but the latter didn't happen due to an extremely fussy and demanding baby. We also rented a movie and had a delicious dessert, and got each other some small gifts. Shawn got me a gift certificate to a salon, something I am very excited about. I got Shawn a hat, because I think he has needed a new one for the past 2 years.

The plan for our evening was so sweet, and we were both looking forward to it so much, but our kids had a different plan. Jack and Lucy have started fighting, and I think last night they were trying to perfect this skill. By the time we had them eating dinner, Shawn and I were both taking deep breaths to get us through the night. Alivia was a whole other matter. She decided at about 4:00 that she needed to start screaming for no apparent reason. She started crying, and did not stop until about 9:45. We spent the whole night bouncing, walking, swinging, and of course feeding that little girl, and finally she just shut off out of sheer exhaustion. As Shawn gave me my card with my gift last night, it was all too appropriate, so I will include it below, just as soon as Shawn can find one minute to help me figure out our stupid scanner that hates me. It's the perfect summary to our Valentines Day 2011.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 13: Sunday, A Day of Rest?

Well, I don't know if I would call it a day of rest, but it was uneventful, and that counts for something. It's hard to have a restful day when you wake up first thing in the morning knowing that you have to start going or you won't make it to church on time. This is a sad reality to face when church starts at 1:00 pm. My day went a little something like this:

Wake up, run downstairs and get the kids breakfast. Hurry and get the dishes all thrown into the dishwasher which will be started after the baths and showers of the morning. Yes, I should have done this last night, but I never do the dishes at night. I find it intrudes on the only time of my entire day when I can sit and do nothing. Once the dishes are in the dishwasher, run upstairs and take a shower as fast as possible before the baby wakes up rendering this task impossible.

Once in the shower, listen to baby crying and wash even faster. Jump out of shower, dry off as fast as possible, get semi-dressed and feed baby. Once baby is happy, look at clock and realize Jack has to get in bath now or he won't get his so-badly-needed nap in before church, and all hopes of Nursery will evaporate the miserable abyss of an over tired toddler. Set baby down (baby start crying), run downstairs and herd Lucy and Jack up to bath. Fill the tub only to learn the hot water is out, resulting in short, shallow bath for kids.

While kids are in bath, quickly shove a small breakfast into face while bouncing crying baby on lap. Then run upstairs to find Lucy has washed her own hair and gotten out of the bath while Jack let the only hot water in the house run down the drain. Wash Jack with lukewarm water and get the shivering little body out of the tub. Dress Jack. Dress Lucy. Realize if own hair isn't blown dry, a terrible hair day is on the horizon. Blow dry half dried hair. Blow Lucy's hair dry. Put Jack down for nap. Bathe Alivia with semi-replenished hot water (Alivia loves baths). Get Alivia out (Alivia hates getting out). Dress now screaming baby. Feed baby. Enter Shawn (home from meetings, been gone all morning). Hand baby to Shawn, go upstairs and do hair and makeup (oh, and finish getting dressed). Wake up Jack. Run downstairs and feed kids lunch, or kind of a lunch. Really feed the kids yogurt or cottage cheese and pack diaper bag full of snacks. Get roast prepared and in the oven. Load kids into car (possibly the hardest part of my entire day thus far). Get in car, back out. Get out of car, run into garage and hold the stupid button down until the garage door closes (does anyone know how to fix our stupid garage door? The sensors think something is in the way, but we've cleaned them and checked them 100 times, and nothing is in the way.). Run through house, get back in car, drive to church.

This was just my morning. Things were every bit as crazy after church because we had to eat asap after church because Shawn had another meeting. After dinner and ice cream I watched Jack tip a chair over and fall off it in the process. Then I put the kids down myself, changed a blown-out diaper, and since then have bounced a fussy baby all night. So I ask again, Sunday, a day of rest? Today, not so much.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 12: Birthday Parties and Sleepovers

We spent the day at grandma's house to celebrate my little Jack's 2nd birthday. We actually spent the night last night, and Lucy and her cousin Matthew got to have a sleepover. Have you ever seen how 4 year olds run sleepovers? Turns out they run them about the same way 15 year olds do, with very little sleep. These two little bugs were still wide awake and playing at 11:15! At one point I went upstairs to Lucy's call for me. When I asked her what was wrong she said " Mom, this room is too dark and blue and I don't have my ni-night songs." Matthew responded "Lucy, I will sing to you." They are so stinking cute.

We did our traditional family party for Jack, cake, presents, and songs. Jack loved it. When he saw his cake all put together ready and waiting for him on the counter, he started jumping in an attempt to blow his candles out that were not lit yet. After each blowing jump he would say "Happy Birthday to You!" It was so stinking cute! I just love this little guy. He loved opening his presents, which he was hooked up with by grandma, and even though Christmas was just over a month ago, I'm ready for the new toys to keep him busy for the day.

I love all my kids, they are so much fun. Jack's little personality is really busting out of it's little shell, and Lucy is as always a little crack up. Alivia doesn't have to do much to wrap us around her little finger these days, but she is the reason I have to call this good for the night. She is one unhappy little bug.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 11: Addictive Reads

Today I feel like such a useless mom. I woke up to Lucy and Jack asking for breakfast, and once I took care of them, I went back upstairs to wait for Alivia to ask for her breakfast. I decided that it wouldn't hurt to lay back down as I waited and rest my eyes, she was stirring anyway. So an hour later I woke up with Alivia. I have no idea what happened in that hour since Lucy had lost TV privileges for the day, but the house was still in tact and no one was bleeding.

As I sat down to feed Alivia I decided I would just read one chapter of Mockingjay, the third book in the Hunger Games series. Have you ever tried to read just one chapter of any of those books? Yeah, pretty sure it's not possible. So once again, and hour later I was able to pry myself from my book and get my kids dressed and ready for the day.

At this point I've wasted 2 hours of my day, but I'm well aware of this, so I decided to make my bed and straighten my room. By the time I finish this, Alivia is ready to eat again, so I sat down with my book again, and guess what? I lost another hour and a half. By the time I pulled myself out of my book this time, I panicked because I had no idea what time it was and Alivia had a doctors appointment at 2. Luckily it was only 11:30.

I had just enough time to get myself ready, feed the kids lunch, and load the herd into the car (possibly the hardest part). As I drove across town to the doctor I couldn't help but feel like the most worthless mom in the world. I wasted my whole morning because of this book, and it was just another tally on a long list of wasted days that these Hunger Games Books have caused in my life as of late. So here is my conclusion: if you are looking for some really good books to read, these are the ones to go for. However, if you have any responsibilities in your life, be responsible in your reading, because I'm not.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 10: A Day on the Town

Today was a little crazy. I've been dying to get out of the house this week because Shawn had to take my car to work for the last 3 days due to the weather. Today was my day to escape. After a late start this morning Shawn texted asking if I could bring the baby to work to show her off. So I did. We left our house at 12:30, went to lunch with daddy, and then headed to the office. The kids were a big hit and it was great to get to meet everyone in the office. Guess what? My husband works with about 100 women! Lucky for me they are not as hot as me, and most wouldn't fall into our age group on a demographic survey (wow, hopefully no one from the office ever reads this, because they don't know me well enough to know that I'm totally kidding).

When we left the house the plan was to visit dad, come home, get our dance stuff, and then head to dance. Yeah, that didn't happen because it took WAY too long at the lunch and the office. Lucy had an off the charts melt down when she realized that she was going to have to dance in her jeans instead of in a tutu and tights. She was just distraught, convinced that she wasn't going to be "pretty". I mean she absolutely flipped and and pushed me to the edge in the process. I had to give her these choices several times: 1- dance in our jeans, 2- dance in our underwear, or 3- go home right now and go straight to bed. It took us both 20 minutes to cool down enough to get her out of the car. But as mad as I was at her, I was so sad for her too, and furious with myself for forgetting her dance clothes. I wanted to run to the store and buy her some right then and there. She kept saying things like "Mom, I won't look pretty if I'm not in a tutu!" and "Miss Jessica won't think I'm pretty." or "Miss Jessica won't tell my I'm pretty, and my hair is messed up." I had no idea how much she liked dressing up like a ballerina every week.

In the end we both learned lessons. Me: I will never again forget dance clothes, EVER! Lucy: We don't get what we want by throwing a phenomenal temper tantrum even if you actually make mom feel terrible (this has been happening a lot lately, the tantrums, I think it's adjusting to the baby). Oh, and it didn't matter that we forgot her clothes because it was costume fitting day anyway, so they didn't dance.

Day 9: BYU Basketball Game

Today's post comes a little late, because it is tomorrow, but it's coming none the less. We went to the BYU v Air Force Basketball game last night, as we always do when BYU visits our home town. The kids were so excited! Shawn mentioned leaving Jack home, which the very thought of broke my heart.

When I was looking for a man, one of the things I kept an eye out for was a sports fan, so that he could spend some quality time with my little boys. Turns out that a sports obsession has it's disadvantages, but it is just as cute as I pictured it would be to watch my little boy getting into sports. Jack was in HEAVEN at this game. He sat on the bench next to his grandad and cheered his little heart out. He hasn't learned what the color Navy is called, so he sat and yelled at the players all night "Black ones make it! White ones miss!" So stinking cute! His eyes were the size of silver dollars and he couldn't clap his hands any faster!

We also had Lucy schooled on Jimmer. Both of the kids were cheering for Jimmer (which is adorable to hear an almost-2-year-old cheering), but Lucy learned that he was number 32, and almost fell off her seat every time she saw Jimmer catch or shoot the ball (he is a part of the family after all).

Alivia also made an appearance at the game tonight. Her aunt Adriana couldn't wait to hold her, and when her own kids demanded her attention, Grandad (Bob) was ready and waiting. After about ten minutes, Bob turns to me and says "I don't know who that was, hope you do. Might want to keep our eye on her." I look at him and realize that he isn't holding Alivia anymore, and is watching some lady walk up the bleachers. I was instantly confused because I had no idea who this person was, and she wasn't holding the baby. So I kept looking trying to see who my possibly mentally unstable father-in-law has passed my baby off to. Then Sister Marlor from church leans forward into my view, and she has Alivia. All was well, including Bob's mental stability.

It was a great night, my little boy melted my heart, Shawn's car didn't get stuck in the snow drift we had to park in, we got to watch Jimmer in person, and BYU DOMINATED. I did come away from it all a little sad though. I wish we were still in Provo. I wish we were there for all this Jimmer-mania, but also so that my little guy could go to more of these games. He loved them so much it actually hurt my heart. And since today is tomorrow, I know that he hasn't stopped talking about the "Black ones make it!" all day, and it actually kept him up as I put him to bed tonight (or tomorrow). At least I know I'm raising him right.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 8: Baby Warning: May Cause Sleepless Nights

Awwww! Isn't she sweet? And she sleeping! That might be my favorite part about this picture, because it reminds me that she actual knows how to do that. We had a rough night with my sweet little angel, and that has extended into a rough day. Alivia decided she wanted to fill me in on her latest gossip last night at about 3:20. She's quite the chatty little thing because she kept me up until about 5:30. Somewhere in there Jack woke up and called for me, and then Lucy came in and wanted to use our bathroom because her's just wasn't good enough. I think Lucy and Jack both woke up to make sure that I was there because I was gone when they went to bed last night. But Alivia has no excuse. 

I finally got back to sleep around 5:30. Then Shawn got up just before 7 to shower. Sometimes I really hate that our master bathroom doesn't have a door, this morning was one of those times. What I hate even more is that our garage door has decided that it doesn't close from our remote anymore. It opens with the remote, but you can't close it. Apparently there is something wrong with our sensors and the opener is certain that there is something in the way of the door, so it won't close. The only way to close it is to hold the button on the wall down until the door is closed. I hated that this morning too since I had to climb out of bed at 7:40 to close that, and it was 3 degrees.

Alivia's gossip session last night has not made for a happy day today. She would not take a nap at all, until now, and it's 5:00. She fell asleep at noon for about 15 minutes. I thought I could get a shower in during that time, but as soon as I stepped in and got the shampoo in my hair, she started crying. Crying. That is my day. When Shawn get's home from work tonight and asks "What did you do today?" (and he will because the house shows all the evidence of zero accomplishments), I'm going to respond "Crying." I think I'm going to go to bed tonight at 7. I just hope this isn't the start of a new trend.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 7: Jimmer

I don't have a lot of time to write tonight, which is ok because I also don't have a lot of creativity. Oh, and I didn't leave the house all day because my man needed my car to avoid weather related accidents. So all in all it was a pretty boring day.

Highlight of my day: I got a night out with the girls. When I got home Shawn was working on the computer, church stuff, good man. Once he finished that, he moved on to Jimmer. Have you heard of Jimmer? He's just this guy who plays basketball who is pretty good. Oh, and he plays for BYU, and he is possibly the best player at the college level right now, and he's part of my family. No, not really, but it sure feels like it lately. He's here in the morning for breakfast, for breaks at work, for lunch, and for the entire evening. Not going to lie, it's pretty exciting how big he is. We get to watch him play on Wednesday at the Air Force Academy.

Anyway, Jimmer is my reason tonight for cutting this post short. Shawn found a girl who posted about her Anti-Jimmer letter she wrote to the editor on her Facebook page. Silly girl made a ridiculous post like that and forgot about the minor detail that he page is open for anyone to post on. I have a feeling that she will change that setting first thing in the morning when she opens her email in-box to find that she has 1,172 responses to her post like "Look's like your Facebook page just got Jimmered."

Shawn has been monitoring her page since it was about 5 minutes old and only had 59 responses. So honey, I end this sort of short and sweet for you, to get you back to your night of endless laughs at this poor girl's expense. But you have to promise that you tell me all the really funny ones.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 6: The Super Bowl and Eucerin

Shawn and I decided to host our first ever Super Bowl party today, and I gotta tell you, it was so much fun! We've been to Super Bowl parties before and loved them, so when Shawn threw the idea of having one ourselves out, I took the idea and ran with it. We are so lucky to live in such a fun area with amazing couples our age who always make us laugh, so we invited them over. One of the greatest parts about having friends over was that those friends brought their kids. When other kids come over, guess what? My kids are in heaven playing, so mom and dad get some peaceful, much needed adult conversation with the occasional check in of course. 

Tonight as all the girls were in the kitchen chatting, and the guys were watching the game that we had long ago lost interest in (so stereo typical), it occurred to me that I hadn't seen or heard from Jack in a while. But I was enjoying myself too much to go check on him. I figured if he was hurt he'd be crying, if he needed me he'd be yelling (something he has mastered in the last few weeks), and if he was asleep somewhere, I was okay with that. Then Lucy went upstairs and said "Oh my gosh! Jack! You guys are in big trouble!" This is when I remembered that silence is never a good sign when you have a two year old, and I was foolish to think that all was well. I went up the stairs and found Jack and his little girl friend Penny (who is about 15 months old) kneeling together on the bathroom floor smearing Eucerin cream all over themselves. Jack literally had a quarter inch of this cream covering his hands, forearms, and elbows. A QUARTER INCH!, do you know how much lotion that is? And I'm not exaggerating, I promise! 

I quickly called Penny's mom to come help with little Penny who only had it on her little fingers and hands. Then I picked up the tub of the stuff and used it to start scrapping it off of Jack. I mean I just took the tub and slid it up his arms like a shovel. Hey, that stuff is expensive, and I knew scrapping it off would be far more effective than trying to wash it off with soap and water. Lucky for me it worked, and what I couldn't scrape off I rubbed in. Jack lotioned up his arms, legs, feet, belly, and my legs before we were all done. 

At this point my wake up call this morning flashed before my memory. I heard Jack yelling from the other room, so I rolled over to Shawn and said "I'm going to go get Jack out of the sink." Yes, he has learned to climb up on the toilet, onto the vanity, and into the sink so he can get into the medicine cabinet (which is medicine free thank goodness). This is where he found the lotion. How he got the lid off, I will never know. Welcome terrible two's.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 5: Crazy Coupon Lady

I love Saturdays. It's so nice to have Shawn home from work, if for no other reason, just to have someone else to talk to, or someone else for Lucy to talk to. But believe me, I have plenty of other reasons to love having him home on Saturdays. One of those other reasons will be my focus of today's post, and that is that I can go to the store ALONE!!! I can grab my purse, get in the car and leave! All by myself! Do you understand how wonderful that is? I don't have to load 3 kids into car seats, and then unload them, and then reload them, and repeat it at least 3 times for every outing. Running to the story can be just that, running. It's freedom. It really makes the theory "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" ring true. As great as it is to leave them, it's even better to come home and hear how excited they are to have you back. It helps you feel loved, and not so overlooked.

Today, I left the kids with Shawn (except for Alivia, she had to come with me) and I went grocery shopping. My sister-in-law Adriana has been doing really well with coupons lately, and she has agreed to train me. I've tried before, but I got frustrated with it because one of the secrets to success is getting your hands on multiple coupons so you can double or triple them up. Well, that is something I haven't been able to do, until now. Adriana and my mom both have paper routes in their house, and so they are sending me some of their extra coupons, and it is life changing. I got some from Adriana today, and I ran to the store and got free deodorant, free margarine, free toothpaste, and practically free dishwasher detergent and canned tomatoes, and no less than 3 of each! I will be going back on Monday for more of the same due to coupon limits. It's such a rush, and you feel so good about getting things you know your family needs for free. Adriana and mom, I owe you BIG time. Keep those coupons coming! At least until I can find a way to get tons on my own.

I'm just starting in this coupon thing, but it is a little addicting, and it is a lot of work. First of all it takes a good 2 days to plan a successful trip because you have to be extremely organized before you go. Then you have to take your time at the store being careful that you buy the exact right product, and then you have to watch carefully when you check out. Lucy asked me what I was doing as I got my coupon folder started today, and all I could say is "I'm turning into a crazy coupon lady."

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 4: Taxes

My day has been pretty uneventful due to the fact that I spent the day filing our taxes. Well, I didn't actually get them to the point of filing, but I did spend the entire afternoon working on them. Oh, and I'm smiling about them too, which means you know we're not paying anything.

It is hard to file taxes with three kids. It took me about 3 hours longer to even get started because little Alivia was in need of my 100% attention. Once I finally got her down for a nap, I put Jack down, but that didn't take. Jack always takes good naps, he's never given me a hint of a problem going down, in fact, he usually starts asking if he can take a nap by 9:30 every morning. But today about 15 minutes after I put him down he started yelling 'All done mom!" I went up to his room about 4 times and told him he didn't have a choice, he was taking a nap. Eventually he did fall asleep, but it took a few hours to get there. Lucy did about 1 hour of quite time before I couldn't keep her playing in her room any more, then she was down asking me a million questions. In the end she spent a good two hours this afternoon watching a movie, but my taxes are done.

We spent the rest of our day making diner, pretending to be a horse, and actually being Mr. Incredible. Lucy was the horse, and Jack was certain that he was Mr. Incredible, which is one of my favorite things to hear him say. He's starting to talk so much and I love listening to him throw something new out every day.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 3: The Potty Training Journey Begins

My day started early this morning. My little angel woke up ready to eat at about 5:30. Once she was fed and happily returned to dream land, I laid down more than happy to join her in that glorious place. But you know the drill, once you just start to drift off, one of the other kids senses a relaxing mom and takes that as their que to start calling for attention.

It was 6am when I heard Jack crying from his room. He has been waking up at about 6:30 every morning, much to my disdain, but 6! Now that is just flat out unacceptable. So I went in to give him his "eye-yi" (aka pacifier) and tell him to go back to sleep, a technique that has saved me many a morning. As I opened his door, I realized that not only was he crying, but he was saying through his tears "Poo poo owies!" Then I smelled it, and my emotions instantly went from annoyance to heart ache for my little boy.

Before I went to bed last night I walked into his room to make sure he was covered and smelled a stinky diaper. As I walked over to his bed I noticed a dirty diaper on the floor and assumed this was the source of the smell. I tossed the diaper out and shut the door for the night, but it never even occurred to me that Jack might actually be stinky. Can you say guilt trip? Because that is exactly what I was experiencing as I tried to strap my little guy down and clean his poor bottom which was slightly crusted over. The little guy was screaming so loud that he woke up Lucy in the other room who started yelling at him to go back to sleep because it was too early. Amazingly, but not surprisingly, his cries failed to wake up his father, also sleeping just across the hall.

After comforting my little guy for several minutes and telling him I was so sorry, I gave him his eye-yi and laid him back down. He was happy to go back down (even though he never fell back asleep), and I told him we'd give him a nice bubble bath as soon as everyone was awake, which we did about an hour later. I then spent the rest of my day talking up the importance of using the potty, and explaining the cause of diaper rash as best as I could to a not quite 2 year old boy, we even went shopping for a little boy potty seat since our pink one just won't cut it. Hey, I've gotta start some time, and he is more than interested since he is constantly watching his big sister, and she was completely potty trained by his age, but she was also a girl. I've got a fun year ahead of me, but I think I'll start trying to break the ice to him over the next couple of weeks. Get excited for many potty talking points in the future!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2: Tired

I'm tired. My mother-in-law came to visit today with my sister-in-law and her two kids. Because it has been so cold, this visit has been the highlight of my pathetic week. My mother-in-law (Pam) was more than ready to see our little baby girl because her last visit was just 4 days after she was born. Pam walked right in and took Alivia out of my arms and didn't put her down until she left.

In preparation for Pam's visit, I intended to bathe all three kids, actually doll myself up, wash the dishes, put away the mountains of laundry I stayed up until 1am this morning folding, and make/help my kids clean their rooms. This is what my mind came up with as I laid in my bed this morning trying to motivate myself to get up. What actually happened was a very different story.

Yes, I successfully bathed all three kids, which really ticked off Alivia, who then insisted that I spend the rest of my morning cradling her in my arms (a demand which folded me like a card table). This created a need for some multitasking in order to get myself dolled up while Lucy and Jack played in the infamous bubble bath, which Jack had requested at least 7 times this morning. With my little angel strapped into her Baby Bjorn I got to work turning myself into a 15 minute master piece. Once that was successfully accomplished I turned my attention to my two monsters still in the tub only to find the bathroom rug completely saturated with a mixture of bath water and what was once toilet paper. This mess I chose to ignore for the time being, it was just much easier to close the bathroom door and forget about it. I quickly washed two little heads and dressed two little bodies, and went down to the kitchen.

Because I was delayed last night by a running dishwasher, I still had all of dinner's dishes to do, and counters to wipe down after they'd been soaking in their own filth over night. I quickly reloaded and started the dishwasher, and then started wiping down the counters. Did you know that fresh garlic has an extremely penetrating smell? Oh, and it turns out, it doesn't evaporate either. Even after 4 Clorox wipes I was still smelling garlic! Thank goodness for my Scentsy! Once the kitchen was in passable condition, I turned around and noticed the small food storage Jack and Lucy had built on the floor under the table, and that the milk was left out. As I put the milk away I discovered that for the third time in as many months, something has gone south in my fridge, and I have no idea where to start. Once again, thank you Scentsy.

It was at this point that I remembered the disaster of what is suppose to be my kids rooms upstairs, and promptly turned my focus to directing the 2 and 4 year olds in cleaning. Talk about a wasted effort, it's like telling a vibration to hold still. Then I whipped out my Bissell Steam and Sweep and started sucking up crumbs. That's when the doorbell rang and I knew I was out of prep time, and it was time to employ my excuse training.

All and all I did quite well. I accomplished most of the items on my to-do list before my mother-in-law arrived. She of course, was all to excited to help me get Shawn's work shirts ironed while I finished putting away the laundry. But at the end of this day I find myself burned out from all the preparation and recovery of guests. I know I'm not alone in this either. Why do I have such a strong need to be social? It's so draining. Honestly though, I should have guests over everyday. Maybe then my house would stay in semi acceptable condition. My problem comes when I realize that I'm too OCD in my guest prep. Today for example, as I was working through my list I realized that my fridge needs to be cleaned out again, my bathrooms need to be cleaned (possibly with a chisel now), my kids rooms need to be completely cleared out and reorganized, my room needs a major over haul, and all my walls on the main level need to be painted. Just thinking about this makes me both tired and poor (because my organization and over haul plans are extravagant). So after a long day, I'm ready to punch the old time card and say goodnight.

BTW, I'm noticing I smell like baby poop, you know, the new born stuff. Not sure where I've been contaminated, but the smell will not go away. Guess I need to shower tonight too before I can punch that old time card.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 1: Trapped by Freezing Weather

It is currently -7 degrees outside, but the weather channel tells me it feels like -38 degrees, and it's 4:30 in the afternoon, meaning it's the warmest it has been all day. It's so cold that NO ONE is leaving their house. This means I've been cooped up all day with a 4 year old who never stops talking, an almost 2 year old who is always on the go, and a 3 week old who spends every hour that she is awake eating or crying. After all this quality time with my kids in such confined spaces, I've watched helplessly as Jack has learned to climb on everything.

So far today Jack has climbed onto the counter and around the sink to get the scissors out of the kitchen window seal. I didn't discover this one until he climbed back down onto the counter, then the chair, then the floor and came running (of course) around the corner opening and closing them as he went. I'm so lucky he didn't fall with them because he is so clumsy. Later he went on to pore cups full of water out of the kitchen sink onto the floor while I was feeding the baby. He only discovered he could do this after he helped himself to a brownie, which he ate right out of the pan. The finger prints in the brownies, on the counter, walls and chair left a trail which lead to his chocolate covered face. I also found the apple I gave him to snack on while I fed the baby, which he ate, core and all. Should I be concerned about that? I found what was left, which was about 1/8th of the very top of the apple (including the stem), sitting in the sink where he was playing with the water. I'm really hating that he has discovered how to move the chairs from our dining room table around the kitchen to get whatever it is his heart desires.

Meet the Family

As a stay at home full time mom, I find myself caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's amazing how busy a girl can get running around after 3 kids and a husband. We tried to throw a dog into the mix last summer, but that is another story for another day. With 3 meals a day, endless laundry and dishes, 3 bathrooms to keep clean, and enough toys to properly bury someone, I find myself going a million miles an hour just to keep up. Knowing that thousands of other mom's out there share the same responsibilities and have found sanity through various creative outlets, I've decided to use this blog as my own anchor to sanity.

Each day, every day for a full year (and maybe longer if I find it actually works for my sanity) I will write a little something about my day. It may be something my kids did that I found funny, or something they did that I found to be horrible. I might write about a particular chore that I have to do as a mom that I know there will never be an end to, or about an unforgiving mess. Just like real life for every mom, you never know what a day will bring, and that is how this blog will be. You never know what could happen next, so stay tuned for a year of fun, and unexpected surprises.