Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 6: The Super Bowl and Eucerin

Shawn and I decided to host our first ever Super Bowl party today, and I gotta tell you, it was so much fun! We've been to Super Bowl parties before and loved them, so when Shawn threw the idea of having one ourselves out, I took the idea and ran with it. We are so lucky to live in such a fun area with amazing couples our age who always make us laugh, so we invited them over. One of the greatest parts about having friends over was that those friends brought their kids. When other kids come over, guess what? My kids are in heaven playing, so mom and dad get some peaceful, much needed adult conversation with the occasional check in of course. 

Tonight as all the girls were in the kitchen chatting, and the guys were watching the game that we had long ago lost interest in (so stereo typical), it occurred to me that I hadn't seen or heard from Jack in a while. But I was enjoying myself too much to go check on him. I figured if he was hurt he'd be crying, if he needed me he'd be yelling (something he has mastered in the last few weeks), and if he was asleep somewhere, I was okay with that. Then Lucy went upstairs and said "Oh my gosh! Jack! You guys are in big trouble!" This is when I remembered that silence is never a good sign when you have a two year old, and I was foolish to think that all was well. I went up the stairs and found Jack and his little girl friend Penny (who is about 15 months old) kneeling together on the bathroom floor smearing Eucerin cream all over themselves. Jack literally had a quarter inch of this cream covering his hands, forearms, and elbows. A QUARTER INCH!, do you know how much lotion that is? And I'm not exaggerating, I promise! 

I quickly called Penny's mom to come help with little Penny who only had it on her little fingers and hands. Then I picked up the tub of the stuff and used it to start scrapping it off of Jack. I mean I just took the tub and slid it up his arms like a shovel. Hey, that stuff is expensive, and I knew scrapping it off would be far more effective than trying to wash it off with soap and water. Lucky for me it worked, and what I couldn't scrape off I rubbed in. Jack lotioned up his arms, legs, feet, belly, and my legs before we were all done. 

At this point my wake up call this morning flashed before my memory. I heard Jack yelling from the other room, so I rolled over to Shawn and said "I'm going to go get Jack out of the sink." Yes, he has learned to climb up on the toilet, onto the vanity, and into the sink so he can get into the medicine cabinet (which is medicine free thank goodness). This is where he found the lotion. How he got the lid off, I will never know. Welcome terrible two's.


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