Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 18: A Little Much

I took one look at this mountain of my life today and decided to tackle the grocery shopping instead. How pathetic is that? I had the choice between sitting on my butt and folding laundry all day, or running all around town with three kids loading and unloading a hundred times to take them kicking and screaming into several different stores while dealing with leaky diapers and blow outs and two year olds stepping on my produce (side note, avocado didn't make it), and I chose the latter of the two. Something isn't right here.

Do you know why I chose to put myself through that? Because I hate folding laundry. Check that, I don't mind folding laundry, it's the refolding it after Jack throws a pile from here to there, and then another one and another one. So I tried folding at night (which is just what I do now, or during naps), but then I'm spending my one time of my day when I don't have to deal with kids, to deal with their underwear. That, and these days, I don't have it in me to do anything career related in the evenings, I need that time for my sanity. But most of all, I hate putting it all away, it just feels way too much like cleaning up a never ending mess.

So I spent my day grocery shopping. I went to Costco, Sunflower Market (local Farmers Market), and Walmart, but not without stopping at McDonalds first, the kids needed lunch and an outing. That means I loaded and unloaded the kids 8 times, in a trip that could have been done in under 2 hours, but actually took 5. You heard about the avocado, but my bill took a small hit too as it's never smart on the budget to take kids to the grocery store since a desperate mom will buy pretty much anything to make the kid stop screaming. Today my extra purchases included chicken nuggets, pop tarts, spaghettio's and a windshield whipper (for my really big kid).

Oh, and has anyone ever noticed the "expectant mother" parking? Loved those, though there are not near enough of them. But today I it occurred to me that what there really needs to be is a designated "Multiple children under 5" parking as well. Do you know how long it takes to get all the kids out of the car, and then walk all the friken way across the parking lot while lugging an infant seat and holding the hand of a 2 year old with short chubby little legs, and making sure no one gets squished? I find the more kids I have, the more angry I get at the middle aged man who races around the corner to beat you to that nice and close parking spot so that you have to park a half mile away, as if he has a legit reason for needing the close spot. Laziness doesn't count people. I usually say out load as I pass "Yeah? You feel pretty good about stealing that spot from this mother of 3 (or this pregnant lady and her 2 kids before Alivia came)?" Just a suggestion.

On a much happier note, Alivia started smiling today. I was able to catch it on my cell phone camera, I'll see if it is possible to upload later and if it is a decent picture once on the computer or not. She's darn cute though, and I can honestly say that she is the first one of my kids who's first smile brought a tear to my eye. I'm a bit emotional these days.


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