Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 63: Projects

So my intention to finish all my projects is seriously cutting into my intention to write daily. But here is my list of projects I have completed since I publicly announced that I am not going to be such an underachiever in my productivity.

1- Planted my herb garden (which are all sprouting nicely I might add)
2- Made Jack's name
3- Made Alivia's Growth Chart
4- Painted a wall
5-Build a blog for my sister-in-law (a never ending work in progress)
6- Organized 2 closets (never mind that was an accident in a desperate attempt to find my sheets)
7- Gave Jack a hair cut (trust me, that is a project, and it turned out adorable)
8- Made Lucy and Alivia's hair flowers into clippies
9-Made the kids Jimmer shirts
10- Created my Growth Chart Pattern
11- Opened my Esty Shop
12- Couponing, Coupoing, Couponing
13- Had interior designer help me with my house and began rearranging furniture according to her suggestions
14- Hacked down a couple of bushes in our back yard

So I just had to get those all put down so I would feel a little better about my progress. Some days my kids simply will not let me work on my projects, but it does feel good to see that I have checked off 13 of my half done projects. It should be 14 except my stupid shirt is still only half done and seems to always take 3 hours longer than I think it will. I'd type more, but Alivia just woke up and I have to go feed her. I'll type two posts tomorrow to catch up.


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