Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Down a New Road

So that post makes it sound like we are coming up on a major life change, but that is so not the case. We've just had a few things happen around here that I'm beginning to realize are signs of change.
First of all, Lucy is constantly getting older, and just a few days ago I looked at here and she took my breath away. Since Tangled came out she has been adamant about growing her hair out. That should have been my first clue. She suddenly had extreme passion about something that she didn't care at all about a year ago. Now that almost a year has passed her hair is long, her eyes are piercing, and her facial features are maturing daily. When I looked at her a week or so ago it hit me like a ton of bricks that my little girl is growing up. She doesn't look little, she looks like a pre-teen. She is beautiful.
As if this realization weren't enough of an adjustment, she lost her first tooth on Saturday. I have a kid that is old enough to be losing teeth! When and how did that happen? Today, she started playing soccer. She is so talented athletically, so coordinated. It makes it fun to watch her try new things. And trying new things is something that this little girl takes seriously. Whether it is piano, violin, dance, or soccer, she puts on a face of concentration that says so much. Whatever she does in life she does well, and I couldn't be more proud to be here mom.
My little boy is my little man. I love how much boy he has in him. Whether he is staring you down with his pirate scorn, or he is hugging you tenderly around the neck, this little boy knows exactly what needs to be done to nestle his way into your heart and get comfy. He hates watching Lucy try all the fun new things and being too little to get to try. The whole soccer thing is killing him. But I love that he is my toddler, and if that means I have to put out a few fires of jealously so I can keep him at this precious age just a little longer then I will gladly do it.
What can I say about this little thing? She is a wild and crazy ball of activity. Today was a hard day with her due to teething. Poor thing is cutting 4 molars at once. She is getting so expressive lately and I love it. She will have a full conversation with you if you let her. You won't understand a thing she says, but you won't regret it either, because it is one of the cutest things I have ever seen. I think I need to capture that on a video clip before its lost forever. She is walking much better now, and while she took her first steps about a month ago, she is beginning to realize that walking can be her main mode of transportation. This scares the crap out of me.
At the end of the day there isn't much more to say other thank I love my kids.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games

My husband and I got a date night tonight and it was a good one. I'm not big on going to movies in the theater because they are so dang expensive, but every once in a while something comes out that I have to go to. The Hunger Games was one of those movies, so we got a sitter and headed out and had a blast. I want to go again, many many times.

Clearly our night out was the highlight of my day, but aside from that I spent my entire day, and I mean my ENTIRE day cleaning, and still didn't get my house how I want it, but it's better. All and all, it was a good day. Husband is happy (movie theater popcorn makes him a happy man), kids are happy, and asleep, and all that makes me happy too.

Missing the Little Things

Wow. It's been a while. I had an interesting experience today that made me realize I need to take the time to get my little blog back on track. I was contacted today by an amazing woman named Heather who asked if I would be willing to share her story on my blog. As I read about her and all that she has overcome, it made me stop and think about my life.

After reading this email from Heather I went in with my busy schedule, but her story affected how I looked at my day, and in all honesty she couldn't have picked a better day to reach out to me. I had guests coming at 10am this morning, and I needed to do the dishes, fold some laundry, and get the kids put together as well as myself. The task didn't seem too bad in the beginning, but then my sweet Alivia decided that she was done cuddling sweetly while drinking a bottle, and it was time to climb, on everything.

While eating breakfast Lucy yelled for my help because Alivia had climbed up on the printer table. Shortly after that I pulled her off the piano keyboard. A few minutes later while loading the dishwasher I turned around to find her watching the milk pour out of a sippy cup onto the floor. While cleaning that up she crawled into, that's right, into the dishwasher. After a brief calm I ran upstairs to do my hair and that's when I heard a crash followed by the sound of little feet running up the stairs accompanied by my daughter yelling "Broken glass! Broken glass!"

At this point I realized My emotions had completely skipped over frustration and moved directly into humor. Apparently at that point laughing was my only defense. Alivia had climbed onto the computer desk and knocked down and shattered a picture frame of our family photo (probably because she wasn't in it and she was trying to send me a message). Nap time has never been so welcome.

So it was after that crazy start and battling a tired, cranky 3 year old with growing pains all afternoon that I got Heather's email and was quickly reminded that I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, it's days like today that are the best to read about later on, and I've missed writing about too many days like today. So I'm back, and I'm here to write whether I have something entertaining to say or not. Oh, and if you are curious about Heather, check back later, because the next time that I find that I'm too tired to write, I'll be posting her story on here for you all to read. That probably means I'll post it tomorrow :). Just kidding.