Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day 100: A 100th Day Miracle

Wow, 100 days (give or take). I really thought I'd make this a monumental day, but nothing all that monumental happened. There were no joyful 100th day celebrations or thoughts even. Just another day, except for one little thing...

Today is marked as a milestone in the potty training of Jack. Something clicked in his little mind today and he's learned that when he goes potty, he gets candy (which is a very big deal to this little guy who has mastered climbing and scooting chairs since Easter to get the aforementioned treat). Not only did it finally click to him that candy is the joyful consequence of making potty substances, but even bigger news is that he has learned to tell me when he needs to go. It was funny to watch him connecting the dots this afternoon as he told me that he needed to go pee pee, went, and then told me again 15 minutes later that he was ready for round 2. Usually when he makes this announcement it is after the fact and it just means I have a puddle to clean up, so instead of excitedly racing to the potty, I moan in annoyance that I waited too long as I fetch the carpet cleaner or mop.

Imagine my shock, excitement, and amazement when I went to my boy to find that he was still dry and actually needed to go. There was some seriously ridiculous celebratory dancing going on around here after the successful completion of that potty trip. He received 2 potty prizes, one for going, and one for telling me. What's even better is that it happened at least 5 more times before bed. Each time my heart felt lighter. Here I've sat for so many months stumped that their is a potty trained male in all the world, how did their mothers do it? And now I'm slowly preparing myself to join their proud ranks. It truly is something to be proud of.

What is funny about Jack learning to tell me when he needs to go potty is that I don't think holding it is involved in any way. I think Jack's entire motivation in going potty right now is his precious candy prize. I think that Jack has learned that if he wants candy, he has to go potty. So whenever the thought of a chocolate treat enters his little cranium, he decides to sucker his mom into assisting him empty his bladder so that he can indulge in a little piece of chocolate bliss. Hey, at least he knows he has to work for it right? I wish I had something I had to do before I allow myself to satisfy a chocolate craving, maybe then I wouldn't find myself perplexed by the pile of 15 Wonka wrappers that mysteriously accumulated around me in less that 5 minutes.

But seriously, I'm just stoaked that my little boy is catching on to this whole potty idea. Can you tell? He's worn underwear for weeks now except for during naps and at night, but I've been the one doing all the work, so there have been a lot of accidents and cleaning up as I've misjudged his bladder capacity and the length of time between bathroom visits. But today I will take back the mind that is rightfully mine as I begin the transfer of my son's bladder responsibility to him. Truly a marvelous 100th day.

Now if I could only bribe Alivia to sleep through the night... I kicked her out of my room last night at 1am. To do this I also had to kick Jack out of his room and he and Lucy are sharing for a few months. I'm only thinking of this now as I'm listening to Alivia squawk upstairs, not cry, literally squawk, and how is she making that thumping noise? I sounds like she is jumping on her bed, but I just know she isn't.


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