Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 88: Temple Day

Today Shawn and I got to go to the temple. That means I spent a good chunk of my morning working, and the rest of my afternoon getting ready to go. I showered of course, got dressed and ready, and then packed bags for the kids and I. See, with Shawn's parents just up the street from the temple we like to just spend the night when we go. That way they can just put the kids to bed and there's no worries about them being over tired the next day.

As we were driving up, Lucy wanted to call Steff who was driving over from Utah. It turns out that Steff was trapped in Vail because the roads were closed due to a horrendous accident. It was 5:00 when we were talking with her, and she had been stuck for an hour. Traffic wasn't treating us all that well either, so we hung up the phone and focused on getting where we needed to be. We had a 6:30 Chapel Session we were trying to make.

When we arrived at the temple we learned that our entire ward had been misinformed of the chapel session time and it was in fact at 7:30. This was for the Stake Leadership, so we were all expected to be there. Well, all the other leaders from our ward came up together on a bus, so when we got there we all just decided to do our own 6:30 Session and call it good. It was one of the more special temple sessions I've sat through. It was so fun to be there with these leaders from our ward we have grown to love so much over the last few months. Our bishop pulled a fast one on me and made me tear up at the end of the night. I never do that!

When we got back to Bob and Pam's, Pam wasn't the happiest person I've ever seen. Alivia was a stinker and wouldn't take the bottle, and both Bob and Pam were stressed beyond capacity about the whole Steffani situation. She was still stuck on the mountain. So, without hesitation Shawn and Bob jumped in the car and rushed to her rescue. This calmed Pam down quite a bit and we passed the time playing phase 10 and watching William an Kate's wedding. The boys and Steff arrived safe and sound about 2 1/2 hours later.


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