Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Meet the Family

As a stay at home full time mom, I find myself caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life. It's amazing how busy a girl can get running around after 3 kids and a husband. We tried to throw a dog into the mix last summer, but that is another story for another day. With 3 meals a day, endless laundry and dishes, 3 bathrooms to keep clean, and enough toys to properly bury someone, I find myself going a million miles an hour just to keep up. Knowing that thousands of other mom's out there share the same responsibilities and have found sanity through various creative outlets, I've decided to use this blog as my own anchor to sanity.

Each day, every day for a full year (and maybe longer if I find it actually works for my sanity) I will write a little something about my day. It may be something my kids did that I found funny, or something they did that I found to be horrible. I might write about a particular chore that I have to do as a mom that I know there will never be an end to, or about an unforgiving mess. Just like real life for every mom, you never know what a day will bring, and that is how this blog will be. You never know what could happen next, so stay tuned for a year of fun, and unexpected surprises.


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