Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 28: Random

Today's post will summarize my day through a series of random thoughts that I had throughout the day.

1- At the moment I want to potty train Jack more than I want a bigger income. Jack claimed the record of the sickest diaper I've ever changed today. I want that boy potty trained, but even with all the successful trip we've had to the potty, we're not making any progress. Conclusion, he's not ready. We'll try it again in 4-6 weeks.

2- A clean house is the best stress reliever I have ever come across in my entire life. When my house is clean, Alivia can cry as much as she wants, Jack can go all day without a nap, and Lucy and talk without pausing for hours, as long as my house stays clean. Looming housework is such a weight on my shoulders throughout my day, a clean house eliminates that, and I looooove it!

3- One of the best things is being in a cleaning mood, and actually being able to do it. Do you know how much work I got done today? Alivia decided to take two great naps, and as a result my kitchen got cleaned to the bones, the floors throughout my house were swept, steamed, and vacuumed. Beds were made, bathroom sinks were cleaned, laundry was done. It was such a good day! If you are in the mood to clean, and nothing forces you to stop, it's amazing what you can get done, and it feels great!

4- I'm the worst person in the world at starting and finishing a project. Shawn, you are not allowed to comment here. As I was cleaning my house, I came across 4 unfinished projects, and I had to start another one today. Oh, and the recyclI actually thought of 5 other projects I want to start today, but I've put in place a new rule. I can't start one more project until all my half finished projects are all done. I've got to get control of myself here.

5- I've mentioned it before, but couponing is taking over my life! My obsession with getting my hands on as many coupons as I can has caused me to research the recycling schedule of my local paper, buy a book of stamps for my sister in law so she can mail me coupons, subscribe to the Denver Post, and steal my mother in laws coupons (sorry Pam, I just assumed you weren't going to use them, and they actually helped me learn something very important). Coupons have also caused me to become extremely organized. They are responsible for 3 of my 5 projects I came up with today. That is a good side effect, like I said, my house is so clean now, and hopefully my couponing obsession will help me stay on top of it better. Couponing is even having a say in who I'm associating with. I was talking with two ladies at church yesterday, and I'm thinking we will definitely be joining forces and sharing our knowledge with each other to master this game! I'm telling you, I just might be losing it.

6- Leaving a screaming baby with a tired husband suffering from a headache does not make for a relaxing get away. Well, okay, it was still a WONDERFUL break to get out tonight, but Alivia did her dandest to prevent that. She was so upset, and Shawn was so tired and stressed that I told him I wasn't going out tonight. Then like a good husband, he kicked me out anyway and let me recharge. I was just happy to hear that the kids went down easily for him and Alivia went down early, so they were all still alive when I got home. I have myself a good man.

7- Alivia slept through the night for the second time last night. She woke up both times at 6:30 and then went back down, but I consider waking up for a feeding at 6:30 sleeping through the night. It throws me off so much to wake up in the morning and have her bassinet still pushed away from the bed and not pulled up right next to me. Don't worry, I don't think she is anywhere near phasing out the night feedings (as wonderful as that would be), but it's still a pleasant surprise.

8- No pacifier means no naps apparently. I put Jack down at 10:45 this morning, and he just talked about basketball, BYU, Jimmer, and Buzz Lightyear for over an hour and half. And unfortunately Alivia's beautiful night didn't equal a beautiful night's sleep for me. Jack woke up 4 times last night. He never asked for his eye-yi, but I have to confess, at 2:30 I was so sick of him waking up that I gave him one, and then he didn't wake up again. I blame Shawn. I told him Jack was crying and to go comfort him. Shawn replied with a little sleepy grunt and made no signs of movement. So I went in and grabbed a pacifier on my way. I was so done with him waking up. But hopefully he will do better tonight. I know he can because he did it twice up in Denver, and he's gone to sleep without if for several nights now.

9-Advances in dental technology since I was little amaze me. I went in and had some minor work done today and as I was leaving the office I grabbed a cookie and ate it. I remember getting my teeth worked on when I was little and not being allowed to eat anything solid for 12 hours. And that wasn't because I got anything pulled, that was just simple fillings. Well, I got a simple filling a few days ago and it was the same time, I was good to eat anything I wanted the second I was done. Oh, and is anything better than white fillings? I don't think so, goodbye metal mouth! That is something beautiful.


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