Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 39: What a Headache

Wow, today was a long day. I woke up with a terrible headache, the kind that make you nauseous. I don't think it was a migraine, I've never had one of those and had no other symptoms that would indicate a migraine. I actually had this headache when I went to bed last night, but I figured I'd sleep it off instead of taking something for it. Bad idea. I don't know why I ever think that will work because I've done that about 6 times in the last year and I always wake up with a worse headache than I went to bed with. I think I can finally say lesson learned.

I first woke up with Alivia at 5, her favorite time to start her day, and my head was killing me. I woke up for the second time just before 7 with every intention to go for a run, but the bone splitting pain in my brain changed my heart real quick and I decided to go back to sleep. It actually hurt to lay my head on a pillow, but I couldn't think of any other way to rest. I woke up for the third time at about 7:45 and my head still hurt, maybe even worse. I tossed and turned for a good 20 minutes before I decided to stop being stupid and go take something. I don't know what my problem is, but I never want to take a pain killer. I'm not worried about getting hooked on them, that's stupid. I guess I worry about using them so much that my body builds an immunity to them and then when I really need them they won't work. I'm mental.

Anyway, after I took 4 Tylenol (yes, this was a 4 pill headache, and really I wanted to take about 92 to make sure they helped me out), I went back upstairs and laid in bed for another half hour waiting for the meds to kick it. I did have to jump out of bed no less that 10 times to control the circus (aka my children) down stairs fighting over chap stick or in the bathroom banging the door against the wall, or crying for no apparent reason. As I laid (or tried to lay) in my bed, I kept thinking to myself "How do mom's get sick days? There is no boss to call into, no pause button on toddlers, and no husband to pawn the kids off on when they are at work." I was really worried about how I was going to handle this day when my meds started working a little. After that I was able to function and I tackled my day.

I spent the rest of the day clipping coupons which I am proud to say I finished. As happy as I am to be done with the organization part of it, I'm realizing that this will never end. Sunday I get the next batch, but that will be easy, it's just a couple papers. Tuesday I get a ton more papers, and whenever I head up to Denver I get even more! It's crazy. But it's worth it. Now that my coupon clipping project is under control, I need to get moving on my etsy shop. I'll have to start tackling that project tomorrow.

Jack had a hard day. I don't think he's been feeling 100% for the last few days. He wakes up from his nap SO cranky. Today he was inconsolable. I'm happy to say I kept my cool (which is easier to do when Jack is having a freak out moment than when Lucy has one because I feel like she knows better, or should by now), I took him back and forth from time out seriously 15 times in a half an hour. He just would not stop crying. He'd start crying again, for no apparent reason after a 10 second break (not exaggerating here), and I would tell him if he keeps crying he's going to time out, if he stops then I would hold him. So he would stop cold, trying so hard to be tough. Then he'd start crying again 10 seconds later. Finally we calmed him down. I think he's just having a hard time adjusting to being a big boy. He misses his eye-yi still sometimes, I think especially when he wakes up from his nap, and my heart still hurts when I think of him looking for his pacifier and not finding it and his little heart breaking. I hate it. Poor little guy. I wish I didn't have to take it away, but I have to. He has me so wrapped around his finger.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have got to go figure out what the heck that smell is in my house. My coupon clipping has caused a little neglect on my house work. Better neglected house work than neglected kids. I think our trash stinks and it is driving me crazy, so I need to go tend to it.

On last note: Jimmer Ferdette: 52 points tonight, we beat New Mexico (finally, they beat us twice this season for 2 of our 3 losses), and we are now moving on to the Conference Championship Game. Bring on the brackets!


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